а 1997аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Alexander Kruschinin















аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа A SHOT INTO THE SKY

ааааааааааааааааа ааааOR THE LAST PROPHET?























ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Yekaterinburg, Russia




аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа AuthorТs Abstract


ааа Not every person lives through a moment, when he or she wants to tell and show him- or herself and the whole world who he or she is, what the meaning of life is and his or her Earth mission. I happened to have lived through such a moment of the truth. The meaning of my mission is to tell the mankind of the only possible way to the УGolden AgeФ, into the world without wars, the way from the Age of Survival into the Age of Creative Construction.

ааа The original reason for all the grieves and calamities broughtа upon themselves by people, is the dogmatic philosophical prerequisite that psychic capacities of society are limitless. It is this dogma, that is the source of all the ideological, economic and law culture imperfection.

ааа In reality, psychic capabilities of society have rather rigidly limited space for cultured, civilized maneuvering in ideology, economy or in the executive power system.

ааа For the humanity to enter the Golden Age, the Age of Creative Construction, it has to master the art of orientation and maneuvering in this very limited space of the limited psychic capabilities of society.

ааа The booklet that you are holding now, is the one that describes this system, probably, for the first time in the last several milleniums.а The truth lies not in the fact who and how describes the system, but in the system of psychic capabilities of society itself.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа March, 2002


аааааааааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааAuthorТs Introduction


ааа The name of the author printed on the cover of this booklet will not ring a bell with the great majority of readers. It will never be known as one of the leading names in politics. But, from the end of the twentieth centuryа and during the consequent two or three centuries at least, it will be invisibly present behind the back of every politician.

ааа I consider myself not a novice in the matter of reforming the Russian State and here is why. My first Уscientific workФ or suggestions on reforming Soviet economy were written by me in January of 1972, when I was 16. Where that note-book is now and whether it still exists, is anyoneТs guess. Something else is important for me. Was it intellectual property theft or was it just a coincidence, but shortly after the notebook had gone, Soviet TV started a program series called УLeninist University for MillionsФ. The name itself, topics and the doctrine coincided fully with the philosophy of my writings. This was a search for labor productivity reserves. Reserves were found, then there was a short spell of propaganda for self accounting methods of productionЕthen a spell of struggle against gray economy and УunearnedФ incomes,

then five years of lush funerals and so on.

ааа O the sweet youthТs naivite! Then, in 1972 I was sincerely convinced that the intellectual virus launched by me into the core of KGB would yield the desired result. That is that the working people of the USSR would be living not from salaries, but from earnings. Without going into unneeded considerations and ideas, observations, comparisons and remarks I would like to speak about the main thing. The virus didnТt work, but the desire to achieve a result motivated me to work at its upgrading.аааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа

These things happen quite often in the world of inventions and discoveries. You are working at improving a fertilizer for agriculture, but you get a unique construction material. You are trying to invent a perpetuum mobile, but get a time machine. You are trying to upgrade an intellectual virus and try to deduce the formula of life, installed into our EarthТs civilization by the creator civilization, in order to explain the expediency of the virus, but then you realize that years spent in search for a mythical


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 1

happiness formula are nothing compared to deducting the code.а That is, everything in life is pre-determined and written before every one of us is born. Where and how, in what letters and on what substratum it is written, is a different issue. And this is going to be discussed in this booklet.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааThe Primary Notion


ааа What am I going to tell? In the 19th century, Ms. Blavatskaya called this code Уthe secret doctrineФ . Yelena Rerikh called it Уcosmic ethicsФ. Nostradamus and Edward Case testified that the world would be saved from Russia. Predictions of modern psychics (many of them) pointed to 1996: allegedly, a super new Russian idea would be developed. Others predicted the advent of a messiah, who would come very quietly and initially unnoticed by anyone.ааааааа

Our contemporary political figures did not stay idle either. Michael Gorbachev, for example, using the prediction formula for Уall times and peoplesФ to serve the mercenary ends of his spouse, has undertaken a most desperate and a most untalented attempt to approach the cosmic code in his УPerestroyka and the New Way of ThinkingФ. In the result of this heroic work, the word has become popular in the world, but this word is inappropriate for evolving the code. For the attempt of stealing somebody elseТs fate, this couple will be responsible through their

consequent de-incarnation, but now they are trying to use their chance for repentance on the background of a persecution mania. God is kind to all His children.

аGrigory Yavlinsky should be given his due and the cosmic code really has its priority lines. In order to build a law state in Russia, really the policy of priorities has

to be adhered to.а Little has to be done: we just have to name the priorities and set their sequence.

ааа Deeper and farther into that issue than other politicians has gone our respected ex-president. In his book УFifty Seven Answers To Voters In RussiaФ, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, unbeknownst, managed to devote a whole three paragraphs to the cosmic code. It can be concluded (resorting to the language of comparative philosophy*) from these paragraphs, that our president, just as a cowboy, is racing through space riding the cosmic code in search of something that is under his saddle. I did not try to make fun of the president with my last sentence or entertain the reading public.а Joseph Stalin, being in the saddle of the same mustang, trampled on millions of human lives.

ааа The cosmic code of life is not an abstract value, it is more likely to be a notion, rigidly directing the fate both of every individual and world humanity as a whole. There is only one price to be paid for non-adherence to this code: self-destruction.а Discovery of the code is an expected event, the question being only by whom and how.

аааа In order to understand its real magnitude and its real make up, one should have a certain minimum of special knowledge and cover the way of certain mind transformation. This will be discussed in the chapters to come.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа The Notion of Magic


For the vast majority of contemporary people, magic is an enigmatic and mysterious notion. Not until the author of this book had mastered the minimum knowledge, did he have the same perception of the matter. What is magic in his contemporary perception?ааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа


* Language of comparative philosophy is a kind of translation from the mega-level of thinking into macro- and micro-levels (note of the author).


аааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа2



ааа Magic is a combination of all knowledge and sciences, absolutely all of them, natural and not natural, materialistic and from the other world. Magic means a huge piece of information. But nothing and nobody stands behind this notion besides that!

To be afraid or scared of the word УmagicФ is the same as being scared of the word combination Уlarge piece of informationФ.

ааа On the association level, this notion can be pictured in the following volumetricа symbol. Imagine a figure that is a copy of a big football, sewn together from small pentagonal leather pieces. Let each of these parts represent one science. At this point I would like to focus your attention just on two pieces, i.e. the white and the black magic, two sciences that are diametrically opposed. We draw a symbolic axis of application through the two. It should be added that black magic is specialized on suppression of human beings and white magic- on liberating a person. The notion of positive or negative characteristics of either one is unacceptable, as each of the sciences has its advantages and disadvantages. Here, probably, a different characteristic of axial values will be appropriate and timely. Excessive practicing of either one leads to upsetting the inner energy balance of a person, society or civilization. These two extremes can be best defined as an affair, action that has absolutely no prospect. Accurate use of the practice of axial knowledge, leading to an optimum balance of energies in a person, society or civilization, which in popular word usage is denoted as happiness, will be called УadventureФ.

ааа So, magic is a combination of knowledge that mankind can potentially use in two directions of fate movement- either in the adventure direction or in the affair direction and there is no third way, except, may be, rushing to one or the other haphazardlyа due to ignorance. The notions of affair and adventure provided here are the key to discovering the code of life.а Now we are about to open the next door to the concealed.

аааааааааааааааааааа Occult mathematics or transformation key


ааа I deducted this notion in January- February of 1995. Here is a simple question, as it may seem: how much is two times two? But how many jokes, legends and parables have been made around it! Thus, a customer asks a Jew:Ф How much is two by two?Ф

The latter provides a classic answer to this question: ФWell, I will make it as much as you wantЕФ.

ааа Let us look into the philosophic meaning of this question. 2x2=4 is materialistic mathematics, but the old Jew puts in a phrase УI will make it as much as you wantФ for the УequalsФ sign. That is in the occult mathematics, the answer will depend on the task, on the question. For example, 2x2- how many merchandize units is that? One answer would be: two crates with two bombshells in each- that is two crates and four bombshells, a total of six units, but a report would speak of four merchandize units. In occult mathematics, anything can be multiplied or divided. LetТs develop this thought.

We multiply two geese by two attendants, in the fall, in Xа amount of time, we will getЕwell, letТs stop here. Between the magic Уtwo by twoФ and the not less magic result, there should be at least one magic, occult sign or symbol, that should be universal and powerful, simple and understandable to any level of thinking, if the latter is available.

ааа Having reviewed and analyzed the amount of knowledge, accumulated by me by that time, I came to a surprisingly simple conclusion, that the most magic symbol of nowadays is the elementary triangle, the most rigid geometric figure. All great things are simple. The world does rest on three whales- numbers, rules and symbols. And, if we lock the essence of the occult science into the formula of Aаа Dа B, any person or society as a whole, united into a notion of a state, starting out from point A (the past) and moving to point B (the future) will inevitably go through the magic triangle of state organization. That is, the mass fate of its members will be shaped depending on the numbers, rules (laws) and symbols (ideas), implemented in the state organization of society.

аааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа3

A human, probably, would not be a human, without an attribute of being able to err. By the summer of 1995 I was sincerely convinced that I had learned the mechanism, with the help of which the black mason lodge rules the world and ,basically, that is the way it is in reality. The foundation of the mechanism is formed by the same magic triangle described above- the rules (state laws), numbers (numeric distribution of the gross national product among state members) and symbols (a hierarchy of material values, a direction, in which the summary psychic energy of society is moving).

ааа In June-July of the same year I found one more prediction in regard to the year of 1996. That is, someone, born and living in Russia, will discover a law, by which the whole of EarthТs civilization will proceed to a qualitatively new stage of development.

ааа Naturally, having read this prediction, I realized at once, that it speaks about me, as the mechanics described, completely coincided with the direction of my search.

The fact that our civilization is guided by a cosmic code was known before. Having understood the code, one could not only exactly predict the future, but also model it. By time of УstormingФ the cosmic code, I believed, I had to systematize the psychic energy of the magic triangle. At that time I did not realize that this could not be done without knowing the cosmic code.

ааа But, as they say, you can trust intuition, but stay smart. First, the issue of the consequences of the predicted discovery arises. Practically it equals the second advent of Jesus Christ. Second, such events are strictly scheduled and controlled by the cosmos. And I decided not to Уrace my horsesФ in further research. One thing was clear to me: if I was chosen to do this, so the insight, the enlightenment or just a solution would come in 1996 anyway, and if this is not so, all my efforts would be in vain.

аааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааFountain Of Enlightenment


ааа This chapter, my dear reader, has to be viewed not as chronology of my discovery, but as instructions for using it.

ааа In January of 1996 I gave serious thought to the essence of the magic triangle. In particular, about what it gives in regard to human fate or the destiny of society. Yes, actually, in regard to our being: earnings, expenditures, celebrations and grieves, that is the sum total of events. Thus, the triangle transformed into a pyramid in my mind.

ааа The next enlightenment was to put it into a sphere, similar to VernadskyТs noosphere. Let us give the name (working name) of Уblack mason noosphereФ, as three out of four noosphere-building summits embody rules (laws), numbers (system of income distribution) and the vertex point of material values. As different from VernadskyТs noosphere, this noosphere has some inner content.

ааа Following the maxim, that the similar gives birth to the similar, and having compared the age of the cosmic code and our noosphere, we come to the conclusion, that our noosphere is just an intermediate evolutionary product. The code should be either similar, or somewhere close.

ааа What is the point of the rules? Basically, this is an equivalent of force or power. The energy essence of every phenomenon can always be represented through some diagram. This is a property of energy, including psychic energy, in our 3D space, to move according to a scheme. So the rule point has to have its flow diagram. This is a complex issue. A new enlightenment is needed here.

ааа In our mind, power is most often associated with the notion of a pyramid. Presently Russia, if we were to believe the official propaganda media, is building a law state. That is, we place a round symbol into the head of the imagined pyramid, saying УHuman rightsФ, then we let it rest on two other circles of the same kind.а We inscribe the titles: УLegislative powerФ and УJudicial powerФ. Below that, we place three more symbols of the same size. We inscribe words УExecutive powerФ into the middle, words УEconomic factorФ into the left-hand symbol over the symbol of legislative power and words УPower factorФ into the right-hand one. Let us ourselves: What does it look like? Well, that looks like the Russian coat of arms according to logical sense, for one thing.а Basically, it has the crown, two heads, and the executive powerааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа4

represented by the scepter and the orb.

ааа When thinking over the first trial sketch I thought that I mixed up the places of the scepter and the orb! And my inner voice seemed to tell me: whatТs the matter, just turn the system around. On the association level, as on a computer screen, the pyramid from 10 balls gets turned around!!! I ask myself inwardly: what is it? And I get an inward answer: think. Was this a contact with the other world or was this a phenomenon of personality splitting up, or was my subconscious drawing information from the EarthТs information field- this is unimportant. Something else is important for us- the fact that this thing works, and works well. When working with my symbol system, this effect may be observed by up to one third of all investigators.

ааа At this stage of narration we can state that the mystic-mythical pyramid of power is three-dimensional and consists of ten symbol balls. The title side of the pyramid was described above. As similar to the filled noosphere, we place the Уexistence factorФ into the empty extreme angle. The criminal branch of power will find its rightful place, in agreement with the situation, between the factors of power and existence. Trade unions or the institute of public branch of power would be between the factors of economics and existence. The information branch will be between law and existence. Let us try to interpret the pyramid obtained this way. This would be, actually, an encyclopedia of a kind. This a complete list of noosphere building factors, a complete list of power branches and their priorities.

аа Let us put the pyramid with the law vertex up- thus we get the logical example of the state of law, where each power branch is on its own level.

аа If we put the power vertex up, the logic of power branch levels will be in agreement with realities of our life.а If the existence vertex is up- it means civil war, stagnation of title branches. Let us try to put the pyramid with the power factor in the bottom Ц this is an election campaign situation, all the power branches are still on their own level in agreement with the spirit of the times.

аа If we put it upside down on to the economic factor, this will mean the state of economic stagnation and dominant will be the same branches, as in real life. So, there is a total of eight main versions of power execution.

аа When communicating with the information field of the Earth, I asked such a question: where did this pyramid come from? The answer was: this is a product of state organization development, a summary copy of an average person, there is no other definition to it, that is, this is a life product of humanity and all it has produced will be all there is.а

ааа Dear readers, the effect of communicating with EarthТs information field you can experience yourself quite easily using a simple psychological exercise. For that, you need to comprehend three best known totalitarian regimes, i.e. those of Stalin, Hitler and Pinochet. You can follow what summersault metamorphoses the power pyramid went through in every case and characterize the differences.


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Other noosphere building components


аааа What is the point of existence in the black mason noosphere? Just a sum of facts, bare statistics and nobody and nothing else.

аааа A vertex, or the number point is a different thing. Considering the total of comparison generalizations, this is, most often, the common pie, or the budget of a country, or we could put it differently and call it a circle problems or a circle of numbers. Let us draw this circle, then divide it into any number of sectors from 6 to 9, taxation rate being a number deserving a separate sector. The discount rate of bank credits will be definitely forming a separate sector. The relationship of government and private employment vacancies will also form a separate sector. There are many economic numbers and relationships, so the amount of sectors sees to be endless. Besides, not all of them can be united into the same circle of problems. We have to make the conclusion that more circles have to be added, building a kind of a layered pie. Question: how many layers will be there? Answer: as many as we need to serve such a notion as the material value scale.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 5

ааа So we have the symbol shape of the numbers vertex and this is a layered pie. What we are still missing is the exact number of layers connected by a solid ring relationship. It is quite obvious, that the logic is concealed in the material value scale.

ааа The material value scale is nothing more than a series, consequently, there is some logical pattern that must complete the tentative shape of the system. At that point in time I believed that I was close to a detailed understanding of the psychic energy essence of the black mason noosphere.

ааа Investigations of this kind may be compared to breaking in into the data base of the Earth information field. Allegedly all the information on our past, future all the ideas and fantasies the people is stored there. After numerous and fruitless attempts, I found out that, as usual, all great things are simple. We have a person and we put a point on a plane. We have a material value scale, that is a series with the beginning and the end, so we get two more points. We compile an imagined triangle-pyramid whose vertex is the point, that is the person.

ааа In my investigations I was moving from a person towards the material value scale. Further on, the chain is clear. The upper single symbol is the fact of human life or the fact of incarnation. If this is not there, all the rest has no meaning. The second level is represented by two symbols. This is actually the law, by which a person has to be guided, the two basic instincts: that of self-preservation and the instinctive conscience. Without a law, all the rest has no meaning. Level three is the three symbols of energy tools for implementation of the law, i.e. the animal nature (bio-carrier), the intellectual or reflex thinking mechanism and the conscientious nature. Change of position of these symbols can not be allowed. Further on, human energy is supported by the sense level on its way to the coveted scale. The next four symbols (from left to right): the feeling of hunger, the feeling of comfort, the feeling (instinct) of reproduction, the feeling of freedom of self-expression. We feel the factors of external influence and get evaluated by the following five components: biologic survival, minimal subsistence level (income), protection level, maximum income level, free space. The following five factors realize six ways of life manifestation in a human: need of food, need ofа exercising natural needs , need of hobbies, need of movement, need of communication, need of comprehension. After level six, a logical cul-de-sac is formed, which is not surprising. The cosmic code just doesnТt have the material values scale. The scale of needs is more important for the human bio-carrier. And it is the scale of needs, of all things, that has to be in the vertex point of the symbols of the ideal human noosphere. From this we conclude that the black mason noosphere with its material values scale is an intermediate product of human activity. Period.

ааа Thus we got a six level pyramid with twenty one components and we will be deducting the logic of a Уcommon pieФ from it. If there is a person, there is a law, if there is no person, there is no law. A unit is something indivisible, in regard to this given first symbol, that is we leave it in peace. On the secondа level, there are two symbols and a number proportion of 1:1 or 50-50 arises. Law will prevail in all matters and this can not be disputed. That is, we tint one of the symbols of the second level and all the symbols that support it, from top to bottom as the pyramid goes, in one color. We do the same with the second symbol of the second level. In the result, we get two intersecting pyramids with different color proportions on all levels. We assign the title of five levels of economic problems to the five resulting colored levels. Which means prevalence of law for the remaining four levels. LetТs assume that on the legislative level the laws are adjusted in such a way that they protect equally both the instinct of self-preservation and the instinctive conscience, that is 50-50- priority of the upper circle of the Уcommon pieФ.

ааа What is level three or the second circle of the УpieФ in regard to its energy content? This is the main consumer and spender of psychic energy, that is the level where production unit is generated. And the cost of the unit is the whole width of the level.

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа6


If, so to say, our realized nature can forgive deduction of its share from the salary, because it is a conscientious one, infringing on the share of self-preservation instinct can not be explained to the instinct itself, as it is not a reasonable, conscientious value. This one third is the limit behind which negative processes and unwritten laws are generated. It is here, where the elemental, spontaneous Уin the shadeФ process starts. That is the highest priority of the second circle will be, say, 67 cents from a production unit assigned to the wages.

аааа Level four, the sensuous level, or layer three of the Уcommon pieФ, is the tax forming value. Here, infringement on the self-preservation instinct on the legislative level makes the Уin the shadeФ effect legal. Here is the dangerous border, after which the power pyramid turns with the power factor upwards and the dominant power branch system is changed completely. In layer three, the summary taxation of 25% is the priority one.

ааа The fifth level of life factors or layer four of the Уcommon pieФ is the fact of distribution of the pie obtained, or the gross national product. It stands closer to the real life of society, here intersect the global interests of the absolute majority of community members. This is priority level of 40%, that is the proportion that the executive branch can realistically distribute among the members of the national community; 20% falling beyond the self-preservation pyramid Ц is the priority of crediting and financing policy of both government and private financial institutions. Evolution of credit discount rates in world practice towards 20% is not accidental.

ааа Level six of the needs, or supporting layer five of the pie is the level of relationship of the number of work places and people (УeatersФ as per V.I.Lenin) between the state and other forms of capital. In the end, economy of any state rests on the shoulders of people. The priority of this level is built up by a solid group of people, that is made up from two thirds of the middle class and one third is miscellaneous, i.e. from the poor to the rich.

ааа This is the primary priority line of the theoretic law state. In my system, certain balances of colored symbols remained outside priority policy, these are investment subtleties. And these are interpreted not from top down, but from the theory of vacant work places and from bottom up. And, with observance of primary priorities they become an automatic value, that is they work independent on oneТs will. In economy, like in the psychological life of a person, automatic processes account for 99% of activity, and the rest belongs to human mind (1%). Each individual person has reason, but society, alas, is automatic, such is the law of the psychic energy pendulum, the same law as the law of the Holy Trinity. Bio-rhythms of every individual, when added into a community, just wipe out collective reason. That is why it happens so, that collective reason is available, if the main priority balances are observed. If they are not, the Уin the shadeФ processes living off them, ultimately erase collective reason together with civilization.

аааа We have to add two УbottlesФ to the Уcommon pieФ, to make the picture complete. One would contain the sauce of the state budget and the second, that is twice as big as the first one, the sauce of alternative investments.

аааа I called my system described above the Universal Symbol System (USS), that represents the cosmic Psychic Energy Algorithm (PEA). Speaking in the language of comparative philosophy, it is a kind of multiplication table from the cosmic life algebra. You can multiply, divide, forecast or model- the system works without fail and 100%, as it was devised not by us, the people.


ааааааааааааааа Supplementary Review of Noosphere Components


ааа This chapter consists from fragmental specifications of above deliberations.

ааа The voluminous energy essence of the ideal human noosphere is an image from the universal telepathic language of the fine world. It is associated with the psychic

ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 7



energy algorithm. The four main noosphere components are combined into a tetrahedral pyramid. One of the vertices represents the complete total of all the facts and events, having occurred up to the moment of claiming these facts. The three remaining one work for the fact total that did not take place. The rule vertex is representation of the human make up, the symbolic power pyramid can move like a person around a point that is not rigidly locked. The numbers vertex represents human life, is the symbol of the Уcommon pieФ. The symbol vertex is a notion invented by man, the latter puts there his social and political ideas and it is in this point, that the creator civilization set its own life code, represented by the pyramid from twenty one symbols. The value of this main symbol code is constant and unchangeable for the whole of the biologic world with its complex organization, for the whole duration of its stay on Earth and in case of export to other suitable planets, starting from a single cell organism and to a human being.

аааа Very many psychics say that human life came from the cosmos, but the life code remains on Earth. Let us consider the USS symbol in greater detail. The upper three levels, from the fact of life to energy components is what every person gets from the cosmos at birth. The remaining three levels are automatic. The symbol of animal nature combined with the biologic carrier is the notion of a biologic person. If the biologic carrier is lost, the fine astral carrier remains and in this shape, all of the upper three levels with accumulated impressions go back into space. All the components of the Main Symbol were inscribed from top to bottom according to the principle of pyramid and priority dependence. Each one of them stays exactly in its own place.

аааа The main yardstick for measuring and estimation of the USS are the three upper component levels, which is, actually, the psychic energy make up of a person, the value absolutely identical for all people. The range of differences among people is great and varied, i.e. differences in blood, weight, place of birth, date of birth, names. If identical twins are given the same name, they will still be different as to the time of birth, if only by seconds. Only the psychic energy make up of people is absolutely identical.

аааа The title side of the power pyramid is a mirror reflection of this make up. Also, all the magic triangles are nothing more, than an indirect logical reflection of the same yardstick. Even the number symbol is no exception, as it has all the logical components.

ааа аWe also have to pay attention to one ostensible nonsense. All the PEA symbols are voluminous, but this one, the Main Symbol, is flat. But there is nothing surprising about that, as it came to us not from the 3D space, but from the multi-dimensional space. So we can comprehend it only conventionally.


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Wisdom Teller (WisTel)


ааа The more I think, compare and analyze, the more surprised I get, how big the Main Symbol appears to be. It really contains all the information regarding life manifestations of human spirit. As pointed put earlier, components of the Main Symbol were recorded according to the principle of pyramid- priority dependence. The fact of human life is based on two main instincts, i.e. the animal nature: the feelings of hunger and comfort, whereas comfort is not possible without minimal income and the protection factor.а Need of food is the absolute prerogative of self-preservation, need of comprehension is the prerogative of the mind. All the components can be viewed this way.

аааа Practically all writings and screenplays are encoded in these pyramidal dependencies- both the one that are written and the ones that will be written or can be written, exactly as real events. Energy level three is Edgar PoeТs favorite subject. Level six, basically, is the ethnographic one. A.S.Pushkin is a genius of the sensuous level. N.V.Gogol is supported by level three. The secret of idea conveyance of the УDead SoulsФ becomes more than clear.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааа8

ааа Now let us get back to the notion of УmagicФ. Certain areas of knowledge, science can be represented as chapters and pages of a book, where the Main Symbol is the title page- is this not the Great Wisdom Teller?а But all this knowledge is not worth muchа without previous learning (accumulation of a data base of oneТs own as the foundation of oneТs individuality) and the methods of reading.

ааа What is human life in its most primitive way? This is trivial spending of psychic energy by its consumers (of the third series).

ааа Scientifically substantiated economy, in my view, is such an economy, where the prevailing part of society can realize their energy pendulums unhindered by state law.

ааа The notion of a psychic energy pendulum inа my theory is combined from two values: the individual and the public. People are different as to spending of psychic energy. SomebodyТs body is very strong, somebodyТ intellect is very strong and somebodyТs conscience is very strong. Most people belong to the mixed form of psychic self-realization. All these individualities level out the total of bio-rhythms due the difference in birth dates and, due to massive mutual superimposition in any starting point, will form a massive energy pendulum, a uniform picture. One third of society is strong due to its animal nature, the second one third due its intellect and the third one third due to its conscience. Correctness of such division is supported by superimposing of different statistics from different sciences. Speaking in the language of comparative philosophy, if you look at the title page of WisTel, having placed a powerful lamp behind it, the picture of the social psychic energy pendulum will be just like that. This is true for all the code levels. Thus, disturbing legislatively one of the numbers of the economic priority on one page of the WisTel, we disturb the cosmic law in all the depth and width of the Уin the shadeФ percentage.

ааа I called the psychic energy pendulum of the second level Уthe adventure effectФ, the principle of its operation being to divide all things in halves. In dubious places, where the choice between УyesФ and УnoФ has to be made through guessing or intuition, the society splits down the middle. To take or not to take a credit, to invest money or put it into a saving account. In such a series of choice, society splits in halves.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа The Theory Of Vacant Places


ааа And it is this pendulum, that my theory of vacant places rests upon. It is no secret that the foundation of a strong society is formed by the so called middle class. In the theoretic law state, executive power can assure a middle level of prosperity for not more that one third of the society, such are its financial capabilities. The adventure effect in accordance with the Уgood luck-bad luckФ principle will inevitably split the remaining two thirds down the middle.а One third of these will be added to the state owned sector of the middle class to make two thirds of the total amount and the last one third will be guided by the Holy Trinity law, as it has a respective assignment. The very rich, the not very rich, balancing between the high and the middle income levels and the poor: division of society into classes corresponds to the three inevitable cosmic principles-laws: adventures (fifty-fifty), trinity (three main groups) and the law of the ten destiny names.

ааа The trinity divides the gross national product into three approximately equal parts: for the rich, for the middle class and for the state. Guided by the adventure effect, only one half of income of the rich will be assigned for investment; only one half of the middle class will live from credit, whereas the second half will start saving in accordance with the law of the absolute right of choice. But, through the system of mandatory income declaration, all these funds will find themselves in the banking system.

ааа Between some of the economic priority components, there is overlapping of several percent. One group serves as the potential national income growth norm for the society, whereas the other group is the norm for the subvention policy of the state.аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 9


ааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааForecasting Technologies


аааа There is no doubt that every healthy and complete person would try and look into his or her future and the future of the society independently, without outside help. In this regard one could think about the following: what are the mechanisms applied by an average man-in-the-street in handling this important issue? It should be noted that the absolute majority does this purely intuitively using their personal data base of accumulated information and considerations, applying the effect of split personality without even realizing it. The intellectual nature of a person, the reason machine,а assigns the subconscious with finding the УcorrectФ solution, using its own memory and the combination of analytic comparisons. The notion of Уmiddle agesФ is associated in our mind with the age of ignorance and horrible delusions. In my view, the middle age ignorance is operating the cosmic code on the subconscious level. And this is born out by the following. The absolute majority of professional and amateur fortune tellers does not even realize that one and the same magic triangle of numbers, rules and symbols, one and the same algorithm lies in basis of their УinvestigationsФ into the future of the country or mankind. Without my version of the PEA on hand, mankind will still be using it, but blindly, intuitively looking for these noosphere components and evaluating them using the Уrule of thumbФ, based on generalizing the evolutionary experience. Or, in other words, every fortune teller, trying to describe the future of mankind, willy-nillyа operates just this law (PEA and USS) on the knowledge level that he or she has to the point in time of this exercise. The quality of knowledge of fortune tellers, commentators nowadays is, undoubtedly, very different, but the exactness and convincing power of their predictions is equivalent to that knowledge.

аааа For comparison, I suggest we consider a very simple one-, two- or three-move procedure according to my system, pertaining to a very trivial question: what type of state will be built in Russia in the years to come? Let us first of all determine what we have as of August 1997. It si no secret, that this point in time may be characterized as economic stagnation.

ааа For convenience of forecasting and thinking it is best to have a demonstration model of the power pyramid, but we also can, by the power of imagination, set this pyramid on a plane with the economic factor pointing down and other factors pointing up. The present state of things in this country does not satisfy us. In order for the power factor vertex to dominate, the executive branch has to achieve tax collection rate in relation to the gross national product far beyond 40%. No country in the world has ever managed that. The proportion of the Уin the shadeФ economy does not allow for that. Successful and complete collection of taxes can be considered as a sign of law vertex being dominant, this value being inevitable, successful (important), but not ostentatious. Russia is very far from that. Civil war will come with the predominance of the everyday life vertex and this can not be allowed. For the years to come, realistic is only one expectation, i.e. continued stagnation. This is a full list of possible evolutionary variants, they are always four.

аааа The second Уone move procedureФ is a trial one, with involvement of the sciences from Уthe other worldФ.

аааа This is the learning of druids on the five rays of fortune, merged with palmistry. Every person or state also always faces five rays or roads, four of them being evolutionary and one being karmic. If we make a fist with the four fingers of the left hand putting the thumb up, we get the symbol of the fifth variant, the karmic one. Irrespective of our desires this has always meant one thing: change of economy type in the respective country. The promised УSuper-Russian ideaФ remains far off. It will not be difficult to picture, what this country is in for in the nearest future.


ааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа10




ааа Using the knowledge from the WisTel and having masteredа the УlampФ effect, we can play through some multi-move procedures, that will model not only events, but give specific names as well. Let us remember the situation before presidential elections in Russia in the summer of 1996. Political rating of Boris Yeltsin did not reach 40%. It was a situation when the leader of the country was called Уa political corpseФ behind his back. The analytical services of the president were hurriedly looking for a replacement for the threadbare УflagФ. Having analyzed this boisterous activity, here is my verdict: it was done according to a bazaar principle, i.e. everything goes, make your pick. Or, speaking in the language of comparative philosophy, they were looking for a scapegoat who would lie in somebody elseТs political coffin. The latest history shows that no such person was found.

ааа Overwhelmed by simple human curiosity and using the knowledge accumulated by the end of 1995, I decided to test this knowledge for absolute accuracy. In January of 1996 I had half of the forecast ready: Yeltsin would win by one third of the total number of the votes. That is, by the law of the psychic energy pendulum, the most conscientious part of the voters would not participate in this Уno choiceФ election, so one third of the voters would just ignore the elections. If a one-sided political propaganda campaign of a brain-washing type were to start, the two remaining thirdsа of the voters, as values with no reason due to the adventure effect, would split down the middle. Analysis of speeches of presidential advisers showed that the all the power of the state analytical service, judging by how it operated noosphere components, rests upon the black mason magic triangle, that has to be deducted, if the total sum of historic experience is used.

аааа It did not show any signs of knowing the cosmic code, consequently, it could not work out any idea of any value. A question arises: what was the Уsuper-new Russian ideaФ discussed in the media? Diagnosticsа of absurdity will be discussed in the next chapter.

аааа The second half of my forecast was also based on the fact that a super-idea would appear, but based on understanding the cosmic code. But, as this was a karmic turn of the history, a karmic name should have been looked for.

аааа So, the psychic energy total of expectations, figuratively speaking, was waiting for the sun to rise. The popular wisdom goes: God marks the scoundrel. We can assume that the chosen as well. The law of the ten names was designed by cosmos as individual marking; in the magic of numbers, such marks are more specific, i.e. by the nine planets. A sunrise is remarkable through the rise of the sun. The Chosen by God has to be marked by the sign of the Sun. At birth, we all get a surname, first name, second name. The task seemed primitive to me: just go ahead and deduce the names and then we will see who will generate the above idea. But it was here, where karmic miracles started. The parade of planets showed that the PresidentТs team just did not have such a person. The alternative parade also revealed nothing. I did not find anybody in the BrezhnevТs politbureau either. I kept looking in the teams of Stalin, Lenin- nobody. From all the Romanovs, only the first one was marked by the sign of the Sun. It should be noted though, that I processed the names haphazardly, but, by the way, it is this method that is suggested by karma, as information is supposed to find its way itself. Thus I went as far as the governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Eduard Rossel. For the time in question, he is the only one from all most renowned potential candidates to have the mark of the Sun.

аааа But the second half of my forecast remained unfinished due to the absence of a reasonable Уsuper-new ideaФ. Using the text of this chapter, you can make a forecast of your own for any upcoming elections. It will absolutely accurate, it is only important that it has the circle logical dependence.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 11ааааааааааааа





аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Diagnostics of Absurdity


Every political idea presupposes, as its basis, movement of the summary energy of a society in a certain direction. That is, it presupposes certain norms of realization of the psychic energy components of the third level of the Main Symbol. This is point one. Point two: idea realization requires a definite dominant of the power pyramid.а Point three: certain balance in the Уcommon pieФ symbol is required. The global idea of my psychic energyа algorithm (PEA) is the elementary comparison of the work of noosphere building components of the material being investigated, by means of my group of the universal symbol system (USS) in regard to the theoretic law state of my own making, so to say. This is for the case, where we have the political concept and the program for implementation of this idea.

аааа Neither I, nor the majority of Russian people have such documents, so let me suggest the method of Уdistant scanningФ. Our respected President of 1997 is prsented by the media as a carrier of some new super-Russian idea (?!), this idea being pretty vague and undefined. This is a lead for the Main Symbol of the USS. As to the Уcommon pieФ symbol, the government has, according to the media, very inaccurate and by far not very controllable numbers balances.

аааа As to the power pyramid, here we observe a most wonderful metamorphosis. That is, probably, a characteristic of absurdity, to be metamorphic. Absurdity requires an absurd approach. Thus, the global new super-Russian idea- this is the idea of reliance on the state, a value declared to be noosphere-building and being dominant in the power execution system. Good, we will agree and denote the governing single factor in the power pyramid as Уstate priorityФ in the image of the pyramid. This power pyramid, judging from statements of the analysts, will be building the law state with emphasis on the legal factor. As this value is a noosphere serving one, we can denote one of the key factors as the Уlaw factorФ. The analytic symbol of the Russian coat of arms- the executive branch with the scepter and the orb, that is surrounded by key factors of power and economy, we inscribe into the free lower row of key components. The scepter and the orb can be put into any УhandФ, thus we have five of the ten mandatory values, that are dictated by the presidential theory of state management. We fill in free spaces according to the priority logic. Between the law factor and the power factor there is the judicial branch. The legislative is between the law and the economic factors. In my theory, state organization is equivalent to the power factor. Consequently, between the Уstate organization factorФ and the law factor, we insert one more judicial branch. Between the УstateФ factor and the economy factor, we insert one more executive branch. The question arises: what should go between the two powers? In my theory of noosphere building components, the notion of the power factor has only one pole. And as the theory of power execution is belongs to our performers, it is them, who we insert there. According to my theory of power execution, the psychic energy essence of the obtained mutant hybrid looks exactly that as a noosphere serving value.

аааа Having two bare essences on our hands, void of any covers or slogans, it would serve the purpose to compare them. The first thing that catches the eye, is the fact that the presidential theory operates only three title power branches, having discarded three power branches from the estimated dependencies, such a noosphere building component as the existence summary resting on these branches-

This is an obvious departure of the theory from real life. So this is the energy essence of the conflict- mind, the main one, that is instilled in the very nature of the theory.

ааааа From the economic point of view, such a pyramid will require far more than 40% of the gross national product for its existence. Hence the economic axiom: if this power system survives, the people will not. The latter will be systematically annihilated by the budget deficit.

аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа 12



ааааа Re-installment of the jury for such the system is of no use, there is no support in it for this institution. The essence of the inner conflict is just crazy. It means a double overburdening of the judicial power. According to the dominant system, this kind of court can do with the human rights what it will. According to the same dominant system, the legislative branch is something like a floor mat at the feet of the executive and the judicial branches.

аааа I have to remember the pre-election speeches of Alexander Ivanovich Lebed here: this is a difficult time, but we have to move ahead, if even by the skin of our teeth, but ahead. A perfect comparison, for it is impossible to move ahead with such a theory but with the help of the teeth.


ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа The Spiritualistic Side of the PEA


аааа Only those, who went there for an УoutingФ or those who has contacts with it, believe on hundred percent in the reality of the other world or the fine world. I donТt set myself the task of proving the existence of this world. Ultimately, people have a choice of knowing, believing or being in error.

аааа In the fortune telling world, the absolute priority in this, so to say, craft, belongs to the ones having lived some time ago, or living now. Only one prediction concerning the future of the mankind can be attributed to souls de-incarnated. It was recorded about the middle of the nineteenth century and goes something like this: believe, that very soon the time will come, when only good spirits, guardian angels, inspirers will be given to everyone. The spiritualist teaching also says that good thoughts attract good spirits to us, and bad thoughts- respective spirits. As you might have noticed, there is not a single drawing or diagram in my text. I do this purposefully and this is why. If you compile, draw and verify these symbol drawings for accuracy and logic yourself, then, willy-nilly, these symbols will circulate in your association apparatus for a long time, allowing your guardian angel to call the respective inspiring spirit for help. Will that be an obvious inspiration or consistently accurate and unnoticeable help- this will depend on your personal peculiarities. A fountain of insights is guaranteed for able and trained analysts.


аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Conclusion


аааа This was written, certainly, somewhat concisely and in a little bit of a hurry, exactly to the degree that is needed to Уgive it a shotФ and test our society for receptivity for something new, alternative and extraordinary.

аааа A few words about myself. I come from a working family and have a secondary school education. At first sight, just another one of the new saviors of the world, claiming again and again: if you donТt accept my teaching, the world will go down in sin. But I proclaim an alternative faith. Blind faith in GodТs blessing is not enough in our information age. The sum total of automatic human reactions to the outside exciting factors is becoming more and more varied. This is due to some imperfection of the world social-political system as a whole. The concept of my doctrine is very simple. A person is considered as a gage in the system of comparison analysis. All the lifeТs problems, all the sicknesses of people are connected, first of all, with the disturbance of the psychic energy balance. All the imperfection of the worldТs social system is based on non-adherence to the game rules, given to us by the creator civilization in the simple psychic and energy structure of a person. To follow or ignore such rules is a personТs choice.



ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааYekaterinburg

ааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа Russia



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